Panel Wielojęzyczny dla CMS PHP Fusion
Wtyczka dla CMS PHP Fusion: Panel Wielojęzyczny dla Lepszej Personalizacji Treści
W zglobalizowanym świecie, gdzie użytkownicy z różnych krajów i kultur odwiedzają strony internetowe, kluczowe staje się dostosowanie treści do ich potrzeb i oczekiwań. Wtyczka do CMS PHP Fusion, która oferuje panel umożliwiający wyświetlanie wiadomości, formularzy kontaktowych, zamówień usług oraz galerii zdjęć w odpowiednim języku, staje się nieocenionym narzędziem dla właścicieli stron internetowych. Dzięki niej, treści mogą być dostosowane do preferencji użytkowników w zależności od ich lokalizacji, co znacząco zwiększa efektywność komunikacji i sprzedaży.
Key Features of the Panel
The panel does not require the installation of additional language files or knowledge of PHP scripts. Website owners can easily insert HTML code, making it accessible even for those without PHP coding knowledge. Here are some of its features:
- Message Display – The ability to communicate with users in their native language.
- Contact Forms – Allow for easy communication with customers.
- Service and Product Orders – Facilitate the purchasing process by tailoring the offer to local preferences.
- Photo Galleries – Present products or services in an attractive way.
- Additional Menu – Allows for displaying content in the appropriate language, enhancing user comfort.
Examples of Use
This plugin finds particular application in industries where cultural and culinary diversity plays a key role. Here are a few examples:
- Tourism Industry: Hotels and travel agencies can tailor their offers to different groups of tourists. For example, tourists from Germany may be interested in local specialties such as broccoli soup or grilled asparagus, while tourists from Russia may prefer dishes like pork knuckle. With the panel, website owners can present offers that are attractive to a specific target group.
- Food Industry: Restaurants can use the panel to display menus in various languages, which is especially important in tourist areas. For instance, broccoli soup may be an appealing dish for German citizens, while tourists from Muslim countries may prefer vegetarian or poultry dishes. This way, customers will have access to information that meets their expectations.
Since I created a plugin that allows adding various PHP, JS, and CSS scripts, I was looking for examples that users could insert as a demo. So I came up with the idea to insert code from the Christmas panel. Only after inserting it did I wonder what the purpose of this panel was, since such wonders can be inserted directly while writing any news, article, or blog post. The use of images in the corners of the page in PHP Fusion v9 CMS is a simple solution that allows placing images in the top left and right corners of the page in the content management system (CMS). This solution is particularly useful when wanting to add graphic elements, such as holiday greetings, that will be visible regardless of scrolling the page. How does it work? We can use a simple HTML code that can be directly pasted into the WYSIWYG editor in our CMS. Here is an example of code that can be used: Download the source code
How to See the Functionality of the Multilingual Panel
To see the functionality of the multilingual panel, it is necessary to use proxy gateways. This allows you to bypass geographical restrictions and access content that may be unavailable in your region. An example of a proxy gateway that you can use is
The multilingual panel can be downloaded from this page. However, please note that prior registration and login are required before downloading.
Log inAfter logging in, the user will gain access to the full functionality of the panel, allowing them to use its features in various languages.